M.Redha المؤسس
عدد الرسائل : 2838 العمر : 35 محل السكن : العراق\بغداد الحالة : single المهنة : طالب السٌّمعَة : 0 نقاط : 6694 تاريخ التسجيل : 03/10/2006
| موضوع: كتابة حول مؤشر الفأرة الإثنين 1 أكتوبر 2007 - 19:58 | |
| - الكود:
<SCRIPT> <!--// //Circling text trail- Tim Tilton //Website: [url=http://www.tempermedia.com/]http://www.tempermedia.com/[/url] //Visit [url=http://www.dynamicdrive.com]http://www.dynamicdrive.com[/url] for this script and more //http://nor-d.forumotion.com // اكتب هنا الكلام var msg='eqla3 soft'; var font='Verdana,Arial'; var size=3; // حجم الخط يصل الى 7 var color='#000000'; // This is not the rotation speed, its the reaction speed, keep low! // Set this to 1 for just plain rotation w/out drag var speed=.5; // This is the rotation speed, set it negative if you want // it to spin clockwise var rotation=.2; // Alter no variables past here!, unless you are good //--------------------------------------------------- var ns=(document.layers); var ie=(document.all); var msg=msg.split(''); var n=msg.length; var a=size*15; var currStep=0; var ymouse=0; var xmouse=0; var scrll=0; var props="<font face="+font+" size="+size+" color="+color+">"; if (ie) window.pageYOffset=0 // writes the message if (ns){ for (i=0; i < n; i++) document.write('<layer><center>'+props+msg[i]+'</font></center></layer>'); } if (ie){ document.write('<div id="outer"><div>'); for (i=0; i < n; i++) document.write('<div id="iemsg">'+props+msg[i]+'</font></div>'); document.write('</div></div>'); } (ns)?window.captureEvents(Event.MOUSEMOVE):0; function Mouse(evnt){ ymouse = (ns)?evnt.pageY+20-(window.pageYOffset):event.y; // y-position xmouse = (ns)?evnt.pageX+20:event.x-20; // x-position } if (ns||ie) (ns)?window.onMouseMove=Mouse:document.onmousemove=Mouse; y=new Array(); x=new Array(); Y=new Array(); X=new Array(); for (i=0; i < n; i++){ y[i]=0; x[i]=0; Y[i]=0; X[i]=0; } function makecircle(){ // rotation properties if (ie) outer.style.top=document.body.scrollTop; currStep-=rotation; for (i=0; i < n; i++){ // makes the circle var d=(ns)?document.layers['nsmsg'+i]:iemsg[i].style; d.top=y[i]+a*Math.sin((currStep+i*1)/3.8)+window.pageYOffset-15; d.left=x[i]+a*Math.cos((currStep+i*1)/3.8)*2; // remove *2 for just a plain circle, not oval } } function drag(){ // makes the resistance scrll=(ns)?window.pageYOffset:0; y[0]=Math.round(Y[0]+=((ymouse)-Y[0])*speed); x[0]=Math.round(X[0]+=((xmouse)-X[0])*speed); for (var i=1; i <n> </SCRIPT>
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